Dr. Shepherd is a Professor in the Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine. She completed her medical school training at McGill and spent three years in England where her interest in hematology developed. She completed her training as a Hematopathologist at the University of Ottawa and came to Kingston in 1987. Dr. Shepherd was the Director of the Transfusion and Immunology Service at Kingston General Hospital until 2016. She now spends her time exclusively with the Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG) having worked with the group since 1989 as a Senior Investigator. Her focus has been in Haematology and Breast Cancer, correlative studies in clinical trials, as well as the development of the National Tumor Tissue Repository at CCTG.
Areas of expertise: hematology, breast cancer, tumour an tissue biorepository and biobanking, correlative studies in clinical trials
Current trials: ALC4, ALC5, ALC6, CX5, MA36, MA.37, MAC18, MAC19, MAC20, MAC21, MAC22, MAC23, MAC24, MAC25, MAC26, LY12, LY17, LY.18, HDC1, HD11, SC26
For a full list of publications please visit PubMed