To increase transdisciplinary and translational research…
To allow new knowledge to be translated into improved cancer prevention and outcomes. The Division aims to accomplish this by building on the strong collaborative relationships between CCE and the other two divisions of QCRI, as well as with other research groups across Canada.
To expand our capacity…
To do in-depth studies of cancer prevention, care, and outcomes in selected areas of special interest. Goals are to aid the optimization of cancer patient outcomes through a program of research that encompasses the spectrum of cancer care in specific patient groups and populations.
To broaden the scope…
Of outcomes research program to include nation-wide and international comparisons of cancer care and outcomes. Broaden the focus of our research to include other provinces and other countries to enable us to explore the implications of a broader range of cancer care patterns on treatment outcomes.
To increase the societal benefits…
By working closely with system managers, policy makers, and patients. Work closely with policy makers, program managers, patient care providers, and patients, both in designing our studies and in disseminating their results.
To develop increased expertise…
In Needs Assessment, Technology Evaluation, and Modeling of Health Systems. Apply our techniques for radiotherapy needs assessment and health system modeling to other components of the cancer system. Work more closely with the medical physics community in technology assessment.
Increased involvement in research training…
Of graduate students, medical fellows, and highly qualified personnel.